Karen Michelle Nutt Read online

Page 9

  "If anyone deserved the rope, Keldon Buchanan is our man.” Before Arianna could move out of his reach, Nicholas grabbed her arm and pulled her close. "Give me a little kiss and I'll be on my way."

  He didn't wait for her, but satisfied himself before she could object. Then he was at the window, daring his escape. He looked at her one more time with his devilish grin and impish dimples. "You’re beautiful. I wish I had the time to make love to you. But alas, duty calls.” Then he was gone.

  Arianna's head spun and it wasn’t from the alcohol she had consumed earlier. Nicholas Sherborn was like a whirlwind. She felt exhausted after each encounter with him. With a heavy heart, she sat down on the bed. She rubbed her temples, feeling a horrendous headache coming on. “You deserve a hangover.”

  Maeve knocked before she entered. "Miss Arianna, kin I's ask a favor of you?"

  "Sure. You name it."

  "Will you reassure Sophie dats you ain't goin' ter sell her. She's been cryin' and dat ain't gud fer de chile she be carryin'."

  "I didn't mean to cause any problems, but it seems that is all I do."

  "I know you has a gud soul.”

  "I’m afraid you’re the only one, who believes that."


  Arianna cringed, hearing Sophie’s sobs and knowing she’d been the cause. Oni sat next to Sophie on the floor, rubbing her back and trying to console her. Maeve inhaled deeply and walked over to them. She knelt down in front of Sophie. "Now, now," she soothed. "Miss Arianna be here ter tell you herself, dat she ain't goin' ter sell you."

  "It ain't dat," Sophie spit out before she doubled over in pain. A pool of water formed beneath her.

  "Lordy," Oni exclaimed. "De chile be comin'."

  "Now?” Arianna's eyes widen in alarm.

  Sophie screamed as another onslaught of pain gripped her.

  "We got ter get you back ter your cabin. Kin you walk?” Maeve asked. Sophie managed a nod between sobs.

  “Maybe she should stay here,” Arianna suggested.

  “Oh no.” Maeve shook her head. “Don’t worry none. We’ll take gud care of her.” Maeve and Oni lifted Sophie to her feet, each supporting her weight on their shoulders.

  "I'll go with you.” Arianna didn’t know if she’d be any help, but she would try.

  “No, no. You must stay here,” Maeve told her.

  Arianna followed them to the door and watched them carry Sophie away. She caught the worried glances between Oni and Maeve and a cold dread settled on her heart. What weren’t they telling her?

  As hours slipped by with no word about Sophie, Arianna wished she knew where they’d taken her. She’d march down there and find out herself.

  The house was like a tomb with no one around as if they all deserted her. She settled on waiting for Maeve in the drawing room. She sat at the harpsichord. As she played, the tension ebbed from her body. The music soothed her like nothing else did.

  "Dat's so purdy."

  Arianna ended the song on the last note and smiled. "Thank you, Sally Mae. Have you been in the house the whole time?"

  "No'm. I jest come in."

  "Do you happen to know how Sophie is doing? Did she have her baby?"

  Sally Mae looked down at her feet, shuffling them back and forth. "No'm, she ain't birthed yet."

  A dull ache of foreboding seeped into Arianna’s chest. She’d been right. Something was wrong. She walked over to Sally Mae and gently lifted her chin. "What’s happening? Is Sophie going to be all right?”

  Tears glistened in the child’s eyes.

  Not good. Not good at all.

  "No, Miss Arianna. She ain't fine. The baby won’t come out. I think she's goin' ter die."

  Arianna suppressed the panic welling inside of her. She didn’t want to scare the child. "Don't worry about Sophie. She's not going to die. Women have babies all the time."

  Sally Mae shook her head. "No, she's goin' ter die. Maeve is prayin' over her now. She made me go."

  “Why would Maeve pray unless what Sally Mae claimed was true? She shook her head. Sophie couldn’t die. She was young and healthy, so full of life. "Sally Mae, tell me where Sophie is. I have to see her. Maybe there’s still hope."

  "You kin make her well?” The little girl's face lit up.

  "I don't know. I need to find out what’s wrong first.”

  Sally Mae took Arianna’s hand and led her to a rundown cabin, well hidden behind the large Cypress trees. The door stood open for all the good it did. The air was thick, the heat stifling.

  Arianna spotted Oni sitting on the floor rocking back and forth with her eyes closed, humming a chant. Maeve hovered over Sophie, who withered in pain. Her shift was soaked and her skin glistened with sweat.

  "What's going on?” Arianna took a step closer to the bed.

  Maeve and Oni both stopped their meditation and stared at her. Maeve strode over to her.

  "Miss Arianna, you shudn't be here," she whispered.

  "Sally Mae told me Sophie was dying," she whispered back.

  Maeve’s eyes betrayed the truth before she even spoke. “Dere’s no more ter be done?”

  "Why? What's wrong? Why isn’t a doctor here?"

  "Dere ain't no doctor dat will helps de likes of us."

  Arianna didn’t understand, but she didn’t want to waste time questioning Maeve. "What about the baby?"

  "Dat's whut’s de problem. The chile, be turns de wrong way. She kin't deliver."

  "There must be something we could do?"

  "No Miss Arianna, there ain't nothin' we kin do.” Tears sprung to Maeve’s eyes. She turned away and went back to Sophie.

  Arianna couldn't accept Sophie would die. There had to be something. There had to be a way. Then an idea came to her. Without a word, she left the small cabin and ran as back to the main house.

  She spotted Samuel leading two horses back to the stables. She looked skyward. “Thank you, Lord.” She ran inside the house, knowing where she’d find Keldon. She burst into the study, the door flying against the wall.

  Keldon looked up. Arianna’s bedraggle appearance made him frown. Strands of hair had fallen free from her long braid, and her clothes hung in an askew fashion.

  "You have to come with me," she demanded as she approached him. She took the glass of whiskey from his hands and placed it on his desk. She then grabbed the decanter, before she pulled on his arm to follow. He allowed her to lead him out of the house, curious of her urgency. Once they started down the beaten path, he knew where they were heading, but didn’t know why.

  She stopped in front of one of the cabins. "She's in there," Arianna said like this explained everything.

  "Who's in there?"

  "Sophie. She desperately needs your help. She went into labor and the baby is turned the wrong way."

  "This still doesnae explain why I’m here."

  "You have to turn the baby," she blurted out, her eyes pleading.

  Keldon ran his hand through his hair. "I cannae do that. Have ye lost yer senses?"

  "You saved the calf," Arianna insisted. She touched his arm, a wistful gesture Keldon didn’t miss. "You can save Sophie and the baby, too."

  She looked up at him with hope and trust. She believed he could work a miracle, but what she suggested was insane. He removed her hand from him. "I'm sorry, I cannae do it.” He turned away intent on heading back to the house, but Arianna’s next words halted him.

  "Coward!" Arianna hissed.

  Keldon stopped dead in his tracks.

  "You care more for your animals than you care for the people you are responsible for."

  He turned on her then. His eyes were like shards of green ice, ready to tear into her. "Ye dare say, I doonae care.” He walked the few spaces back to where she stood. His handsome face grew hard and resentful as he towered over her.

  Maybe she’d pushed him too far.

  "It's because I do care that I cannae do this. I doonae want anythin’ to happen to Sophie.”

  His deep vo
ice held a strange edge of passion that moved her and she placed her hand on his arm.

  He looked down at her. “What I did for the wee calf is all too different. I cannae verra weel treat Sophie like a heifer. She’s a person and I couldnae live with myself if I killed her."

  "If you don't do something, she's already dead," she implored, never letting her gaze waver. She knew in her heart, Keldon was Sophie's only hope. If he walked back to the house, Sophie would die.

  Keldon broke the gaze, nervously running his hand through his hair.

  Arianna waited as she watched him work through what she asked of him.

  He took a deep breath and looked at her again. "Ye’re goin’ to have to help me. Are ye up to that?"

  "I'll do whatever you say.”

  He grunted something unintelligible under his breath and they entered the cabin.

  Arianna insisted Keldon scrub his hands thoroughly. Then she poured his good whiskey over them. He thought she was daft, but she explained it was to fight infection. He decided he didn't have the time for her to clarify how she knew this. Time was of the essence. Sophie weakened by the second. If by some miracle, he turned the child around, he feared she wouldn’t have the strength to push.

  He walked over to the bedside. "We're goin’ to try and make that stubborn bairn of yers turn the right way. Ye’re going to have to help me, lass. I willnae lie to ye. What I'm goin’ to do will hurt somethin’ fierce, but it's the only way. Do ye ken?"

  Sophie nodded and Arianna took hold of her hand. "You squeeze as hard as you need to," she told her.


  Four hours later, Sophie delivered a healthy baby boy. After Arianna bathed the baby, she wrapped him in a small blanket and handed him over to his mother. "He's perfect, Sophie. What are you going to name him?"

  Sophie kissed the top of the tiny baby's head. “Elijah.” She then looked at Annabelle, her mistress, who she had once feared. Maeve had been right; Annabelle no longer existed. "Thank-you, Miss Arianna."

  "I didn't do anything."

  "Yas'm you did. You brought Mista Keldon here ter save me and my chile.” She looked at Keldon now. "Thank you.” Sophie's eyes had misted with tears of joy, for she and her child were alive.

  "Ye’re verra welcome, Sophie. Ye rest now.” Keldon motioned to Arianna that it was time for them to leave.

  On the way back to the house, Arianna quietly slipped her hand into Keldon’s, giving it an affectionate squeeze. He was so startled he missed his step. He glanced at her questionably, but Arianna didn’t turn to meet his gaze.

  He didn’t know this woman who cared for others and went out of her way to help them. He sighed wearily. If only she would remain like this, but he kept waiting for the old Annabelle to resurface and wreck her vengeance.

  He glanced down at their clasped hands, liking the feel of her small hand in his. He laced his fingers through hers, giving her hand a quick squeeze, too.


  Arianna leaned on the counter as she watched Maeve and Oni prepare for the day’s meals. "Where’s Elijah’s father?”

  Both women stopped what they were doing and exchanged worried glances. Arianna didn't understand why they hesitated to tell her.

  Oni cleared her throat. "You done sold Thaddeus."

  "Sold him?” Arianna stood up and closed her eyes, mortified over her past transgressions. Would she ever learn something about herself that wasn’t so revolting?

  Maeve put a comforting arm around her. "It ain't your fault."

  Arianna knew Maeve held fast to her conviction that she was someone else, but it wasn’t possible. How could she have switched places with another person? She had to face the facts. She’d been an awful, conniving and uncaring person. She should thank the Lord that the blow to her head knocked common decency into her. "Whom did I sell him to?" she asked determined to correct the wrongdoing.

  "Mista Prescott," Oni answered.

  “I’ll tell him I’ve changed my mind and want him back."

  Again, Oni and Maeve exchanged glances.

  "What's wrong?” Arianna was almost afraid to ask.

  "Mista Prescott, he never sells his slaves. They die dere.” Oni sadly shook her head.

  "We’ll see about that.”

  Maeve’s eyes narrowed. “You have a wicked gleam in your eyes, Miss Arianna. Wut’s you plannin’ ter do?”

  “Hmm?” She looked at Maeve. “Do? I plan on fixing this.”

  “Wut’s you mean fixin’?”

  “You told me you had powders that would help a headache. Just how potent can you make the remedy?”


  Once the Prescott’s home loomed before Arianna, she lost some of her confidence, but she couldn’t back down now. Everyone was relying on her to bring Thaddeus back to Blue Run.

  On the way over, she informed Samuel of her plans. Well some of it. She purposely left out the parts he might find objectionable. She didn’t want him to stop her. Samuel didn't come right out and call her a fool, but his raised brows said it all.

  Straightening her dress, Arianna looked at Samuel. "Wish me luck."

  Samuel’s mouth twitched. "You’s goin' ter need it, Miss Arianna. I ain't ever seen Mista Prescott part with nothin', slave or otherwise."

  "I plan on being very persuasive.” With her package in hand, she made her way up the steps.

  Arianna had inquired beforehand. Elizabeth wouldn’t be home until later today. She’d gone to visit Biddy-Number-One for tea.

  Arianna would have Bernard’s complete attention.

  She took a deep breath and knocked at the door. A tall black man wearing formal attire with white gloves and all, answered. "May I be of service to you, Mrs. Buchanan?" he said in a clipped speech.

  "I have some business to discuss with Mr. Prescott. Please let him know I'm here?"

  "Yes. Please do come in.” He led her to the drawing room before he left her to find Bernard. She sat down on the sofa, but stood again. “Stay calm,” she whispered under her breath. “You can do this.”

  "What do I owe the pleasure, Mrs. Buchanan?"

  She whirled around and forced herself to smile.

  Bernard waddled over to her and took her hand with a polite kiss.

  She fought the urge to wipe his slobber on his jacket. "I’m here on my husband’s behalf. He asked me to bring you a gift, thanking you for your last business transaction."

  Bernard cleared his throat and pulled at his collar. "He told you?"

  Arianna had no idea what arrangement Keldon and Bernard had. She was making this up as she went. "Only that he appreciated your business and he wanted to show his gratitude.” She then opened her package. Arianna couldn’t have been happier when Bernard licked his lips and raised his hands greedily for the bottle. "Would you care to sample it?" she asked, hoping he would.

  "Yes, yes by all means.” Bernard Prescott snapped his fingers and the servant who had answered the door, was there to take the bottle from him.

  "Please join me.” Bernard offered her a seat.

  The servant filled the glasses and left the room, closing the doors behind him.

  Bernard closed his eyes and sniffed the amber liquid. He smiled and took the first swallow. "Yes, yes this is very good.” He opened his eyes. "Your husband has exquisite taste. Tell him I would like to do business with him again."

  "I will. And I will also let him know you were pleased with the gift.” She nodded toward the glass he held in his hand.

  Bernard took another sip. "I’m curious, Mrs. Buchanan, why aren't you with Elizabeth and the other ladies today?"

  Arianna leaned back in her chair, ready to put her plan into action. "I needed a change. I thought we could chat for a while.” She lowered her eyelids ever so slightly and at the same time, she crossed her legs lifting her dress above her ankles. Maeve told her this would be scandalous behavior. She needed to distract Bernard, rankle him a bit so he couldn’t think straight.

  He cleared his throat an
d yanked at his collar. Who knew ankles were such a turn on. Bernard downed the rest of his drink.

  Oh yeah, he was flustered. "Would you like another?” She didn't wait for him to answer. She stood and walked over to him. She let her hand linger on his before she took the flute from him. She noticed his Adam's apple nervously bobbed up and down as he swallowed. She poured the drink, overflowing the glass on purpose. "Oh my! I can't believe how clumsy I am."

  "It's quite all right.” He pulled out a handkerchief, trying to clean up the mess.

  Arianna poured another glass for him. This time she added the powder Maeve had given her. Maeve assured her it would only make him drowsy. She didn’t want him knocked out. She needed his cooperation.

  Finished, Bernard sat back down and Arianna handed him his glass. "Aren't you going to join me?" he inquired.

  Arianna almost let out a sigh of relief as she watched him down the drink. "I believe I will.” She refreshed Bernard’s glass, too. "To good friendships.”

  With a nod, Bernard touched his glass to hers. “Um friendship.”

  She didn’t like the gleam in his eyes as his gaze traveled the length of her. She hoped the powder worked fast.

  Bernard blinked rapidly and laughed. “I’m a little light headed.”

  She frowned. She wanted fast, but maybe she’d used too much. This wouldn't do. He needed to stay awake long enough for him to sign the papers she brought.

  "Now Bernard... You don't mind me calling you Bernard, do you?” She sat close to him and placed her hand on his thigh.

  "Nooo.” Bernard leaned a little too close and Arianna pushed him back.

  "May I take Thaddeus home today?"

  "Thaddeus?” Bernard blinked a few times.

  "Yes, Thaddeus. You remember the young slave I sold you."

  "Oh 'im.” Bernard frowned. "He's been more trouble. It's no 'onder ya wanted to get rid of 'im," he slurred.

  "Where is he?” Arianna kept her voice under control.

  "Had to 'each 'im a lesson.” Bernard leaned back and closed his eyes.