Karen Michelle Nutt Read online

Page 8

She flipped a strand of hair away from her face and placed her hands on her hips. Keldon had the distinct feeling he was about to be reprimanded.

  "She's just a little girl.”

  There was defiance in her tone as well as subtle challenge, causing him to take heed.

  “She should be playing and having fun like any other little girl her age. All she does is work all day.” She threw up her hands.

  Keldon had no idea what she was talking about or why she thought he’d care. "Are ye feelin’ all right?"

  "What? Am I feeling... Are you hearing me? I'm talking about Sally Mae."

  "Sally Mae?” He still didn’t understand.

  "You know, the cute little girl, who is in charge of the upstairs chores. You do know who she is, don't you?"

  "Aye, I know who she is. I doonae know what ye are accusin’ me of."

  Arianna took a deep breath. She strode over to the desk and met his gaze head on. "You can't do this to Sally Mae or any of the other children for that matter.” She leaned toward him but pointed behind her. “They should be enjoying the outdoors.”

  "Are ye thinkin’ of sellin’, Sally Mae?"

  "No! God no.” Her eyes flashed with outrage. “I could never sell a person. That's appalling."

  He was more confused than ever. Slaves were a part of her life. She never cared what happened to these people. He leaned forward now. They were only a breath away. "The slaves are yers, no’ mine."

  “What… I…” Arianna sputtered. “I own another human being? That's impossible.” She shook her head and moved away from the desk. "It just can't be.” Her eyelids fluttered and she swayed on her feet.

  Keldon whisked around the desk and held her steady. "Ye better have a seat.” He led her over to the high back chair.

  Her hand lingered at her neck and her mouth stood open as if words were stuck in her throat. Keldon poured her a drink from the decanter.

  She lifted the glass to her lips and downed the contents.

  Keldon lifted his eyebrows in surprise.

  She held out the glass to him. He hesitated.

  She jerked the glass at him.

  With a shrug, he filled it for her and she did a repeat performance. This wasn’t like her, not that anything she did of late was. Maybe she should lie down until the shock of what he told her wore off. “I’ll find Maeve.”

  In his absence, Arianna must have poured herself a few more drinks. She looked up when she saw him. She quickly threw back her head, emptying another glass. She held the decanter against her chest.

  "Ye have had more than enough, I believe.” He strode toward her.

  “No, I haven’t.” Her words were slurred. “No why? ‘Cause I’m not stinking drunk yet and I need to be to escape this living nightmare called my life.”

  Keldon wrestled the decanter from her, but the effort pulled her from the seat. He caught her before she fell on her face. He easily scooped her up and she threw her arms around his neck. He motioned for Maeve to follow him with a quick jerk of his head.

  "Where... hiccup... taking me?"

  "Up to yer room. Ye need to lie down for a while.” She snuggled close, burying her head in the crook of his neck.

  His muscles stiffened. “What are…” His voice failed him, as she pressed her lips against his skin. “Dear Father in Heaven,” he cursed.

  How he opened her bedroom door was beyond him. He made it to the bed and threw her from his arms.

  She flipped her long hair away from her face. Her eyes were glazed from too much alcohol, but he didn’t miss her intent as her gaze scorched a path down the length of him.

  “I want you to make love to me,” she announced.

  “What are ye aboot lass?”

  “I’ll leave you ter handle her then.” Maeve chuckled as she headed for the door.

  “Doonae leave,” Keldon commanded.

  “No, you should leave,” Arianna countered as she moved from the bed as if stalking prey.

  While Keldon was busy trying to control where Arianna’s hands were groping him, Maeve abandoned him. “Stop it.” He threw her back onto the bed.

  Her chest rose and fell as she leaned back on her elbows to look up at him. “Why, Keldon Buchanan, I do believe you’re afraid of me.”

  She had no idea. “Doonae be absurd,” he told her with a harrumph.

  “No? Hmm. Your accent thickens when you’re flustered, too. Interesting.”

  “Doonae…” He took a deep breath. “Doonae be ridiculous.”

  “I tell my husband I want him to make love to me and he tries to run away. I know you want me.” Her eyes traveled the length of him again.

  He kept his hands balled at his side. He swore under his breath as he turned away. "Annabelle, please stop this."

  "If you won’t sleep with me, then at least kiss me."

  Keldon whipped around and stared at her.

  "Kiss me and I'll let you go," she repeated.

  "Ye’ve had too much to drink.” Keldon decided.

  "Yep. I have… hiccup… too much to dink … I mean drink. It’s the only way to forget what a terrible person I am?” Her lips pouted pitifully. "Kiss away all the nightmares?” She closed her eyes and puckered.

  His mind shouted for him to walk away before he made a mistake he couldn’t take back.

  He ignored the plea of good sense. On the open sea, he thrived on danger. Why not here, now? He couldn’t help but see her in a different light and God help him, he wanted what he saw to be true. He took the steps that separated them. Cupping her chin, he searched her upturned face, her lips posed in an offering he couldn’t refuse. He covered her mouth with the hunger of a starved soul. He heard her small intake of breath as she shifted closer and deepened the kiss. He wrapped both arms around her, crushing her to him. His body rippled with tension, but he was terrified to give into the desire, to trust her fully. He must stop. Now! He broke the embrace and she winced as if he nipped her flesh. He backed up, eyes wide and hands trembling.

  Retreat. Escape. His mind screamed. He whirled on his heels and stalked out of the room.

  Arianna sighed and collapsed on the bed, touching her hand to her lips, the kiss still singing through her veins. She closed her eyes and smiled.


  Arianna didn’t know how long she slept. She sat up and the room spun. She ignored her tipsy state and headed for the door. She had an announcement. She gripped the banister as she descended the stairs. The floor weaved in and out, but she managed not to break her neck. She headed out the doors and headed over to the kitchen. There she found Oni and Sophie busy with their tasks for the day. They both looked up when she stumbled in. She ran her hand threw her tangled strands and straightened her dress. She stared at her bare feet wondering when she’d taken off her shoes. She looked up again, remembering her purpose.

  “Stoop what your doin'.” Her tongue felt thick. She smacked her lips together. She must make the announcement. She concentrated. "I own you no more.” She waved her hand dramatically around the room, stumbling forward, but she didn’t fall. She covered her mouth and she giggled. “I must go now.” She left the two women and went to look for Maeve and Sally Mae. Before she found either one, her attention swayed. The lure of the harpsichord called to her and she entered the drawing room. She sat down on the bench and played the haunting tune from her past. The song meant something to her… a connection to… She didn’t know.

  Keldon found her as she started on her fourth rendition of the same melody. He strode over to her and gripped her shoulder. She looked up, ignoring his scowl. "Weel 'ello Mr. Boocanun.” Arianna grinned from ear to ear as a little chirp sound escaped her lips in a bubbling hiccup.

  Keldon had a long talk with Oni. He had headed toward the stairs to find his wife, when he heard her playing the song, his song. She didn’t realize how she tortured him with the sweetness of the melody. “I thought, I told you to rest a wee bit.”

  "Ya know, I wuv the way ya talk."

  "Annabelle, y
e’re changin’ the subject.”

  “You’re upset,” she said in a singsong voice. “I know ‘cause your brogue thickened.”

  “Ye are mistaken.”

  “Am not. But do you know what? I don’t care what you think even if you are a good kisser. ‘Cause you don’t know me. You don’t even call me by my real name.” She turned away and pounded out the chords as she sang. “My name is Arianna and I’m living a nightmare. My husband is cute, but he’s a…”

  "Annabelle!” Keldon raised his voice over her racket. "Ye have Sophie in tears."

  This stopped her and she looked at him. "Sophie, the real young one who’s going to have a weeeeee bairin? Isn’t that how you Scots say it?"

  His lips puckered in annoyance that she wouldn’t pay attention. "She has it in her head that yer goin’ to sell her. Oni said ye told them so."

  "Sell her.” Arianna’s eyebrows furrowed. "I'm not going to sell her. I’ve set her free.” She waved her arm and nearly toppled off the bench.

  Keldon righted her before she broke her neck. He stared down at her with his hands on his hips. His eyes narrowed.

  “You told me I owned the slaves,” she said. "John Adams didn’t own slaves.”

  “John Adams. President John Adams? I doonae understand. What does he have to do with this?”

  “I was just thinking is all. John and Abigail loved each other, did you know that?”

  Keldon took a deep breath for patience. “Anna—”

  “Don’t call me Annabelle.” She wagged her finger at him. “And let me finish.”

  “Then do so and be quick aboot it.”

  “John and Abigail worked their own land and hired people if they needed help. We should follow in his footsteps. So I freed everyone so they could make their own choices. This is America.” She frowned and hiccupped. “I can free the slaves, can't I?”

  "Aye. But where are they to go? They cannae verra weel march out of here and call it a day."

  “They can apply for a job. God knows they couldn’t want to work in a rice paddy all their lives. Yuck."

  "Ye ken weel, the fair people of Charleston willnae have a person of color work for them.”

  "No, I don't ken," she mimicked him. "I don't ken any of this! You tell me I own another human being. I know this is wrong, so how could I be so despicable? Everything you’ve told me so far, it’s as if you are describing someone else. I'm a stranger in my own life!"

  Keldon couldn't argue with her. She was a stranger to him, too. She looked and sounded somewhat like Annabelle, but she by all means, didn’t act like her. What could he say? The facts remained. She had been all those things and more.

  He ran a hand through his hair. "I can only tell ye what I ken. Maybe ye losin’ yer memory as you did, it’s given ye a chance for redemption."

  Arianna didn't have the opportunity to reply.

  Samuel escorted Nicholas Sherborn into the room.

  Arianna tensed, every muscle bunching beneath her skin at the sight of Nicholas Sherborn. She may be a little tipsy, but the memory of her last encounter with Mr. Sherborn stood fresh in her mind.

  "Good-day, Mrs. Buchanan.” Nicholas bowed slightly as he removed his hat. His light trousers and a blue jacket flattered him.

  Arianna shook her head. She refused to find him attractive. She was a married woman. He needed to leave at once. “What are you doing here?”

  Keldon placed a hand on her shoulder. “Annabelle, there is no need for rudeness. Please go upstairs. We’ll speak later.”

  How foolish she felt. Obviously, Nicholas was here at Keldon's request not to meet with her. Her eyes narrowed. Nicholas wanted to harm Keldon. "I think I'll stay.” She lifted her chin and met Keldon’s icy gaze head on.

  Nicholas hid a smile behind his hand.

  Obviously, Keldon wasn’t amused. He leaned near and whispered, "Please doonae make a scene in front of our guest or ye’ll be sorry.”

  "You wouldn't dare do anything to me," she snarled right back, but seeing his green eyes flash with anger she decided not to call his bluff. "Okay, Okay, I'm going."

  Keldon escorted her to the door and waited for her to go down the hall before he turned and walked back into the room. "You wanted to see me?"

  "Can we speak freely?” Nicholas nodded toward Samuel who was standing with his arms folded against his chest.

  "Aye that we can. Samuel can weel be trusted.” Keldon then motioned for Nicholas to take a seat, while he went to the table to pour a drink for them.

  "I have the information you have been waiting for." Nicholas didn’t waste time.

  Keldon wasn’t facing Sherborn so he was able to hide his expressions. He hadn’t decided if he could trust this man or not. Sherborn showed up, wanting to join his band of would-be privateers. Until Sherborn proved his worth, he was reluctant to reveal information about his intentions. "And what information do ye have for me?"

  "A Spanish frigate loaded with supplies is headed in our vicinity. We could intercept her with ease."

  Keldon had finished pouring the drinks and handed one to Nicholas before he answered. "We have to know a wee bit more aboot this frigate and its captain. Did you obtain the information?"

  Nicholas smiled. "Of course. The captain is Nathan Cordellos. In his prime, he would have been a worthy opponent, but now he is an old worn out man. The Spanish will not expect anyone to attack them. They have undermanned the ship in hopes of fooling everyone into thinking they’re not carrying anything of value. Since you have only attacked British ships, the Spaniards won’t expect such an assault. It would be like taking candy from a baby and quite profitable, I might add."

  Keldon took his pipe out of his pocket and put it in his mouth. He thought about what Sherborn offered him. This would prove Sherborn’s loyalty if he chose to trust his information. He could take all the precautions necessary. Keldon removed the unlit pipe from his mouth. "Will ye be goin’ with us?"

  "Wouldn't bloody well miss it, now would I?” Nicholas smiled as he raised his glass in a salute.


  Arianna sat in the middle of her bed and braided her hair. She worried about what unsavory deeds Nicholas Sherborn was convincing her husband to do. Whatever the plan may be, it would be a trap. She had to think of a way to stop him.

  Keldon would never listen to her; he didn’t trust her. If she admitted to the affair with Nicholas, it would only make matters worse.

  Tap, tap, tap.

  She lifted her head and listened.

  Tap, tap.

  She turned toward her window. Her whole body tightened like a bowstring.

  Nicholas Sherborn peered in at her, grinning from ear to ear.

  The audacity of the man was unnerving. She had no other choice but to let him in before someone discovered him dangling from the ledge.

  "What do you think you are doing? How did you get up here?" Arianna said as she helped him inside.

  He didn't answer her until he had both feet planted on the hardwood floor. "I climbed up the trellis like I always do. I had to see you."

  "You must be crazy."

  "Only mad about you.” He reached for her but she ducked and moved out of his way.

  "Listen, you have to leave. It's not safe."

  "Keldon won't bother you. As we speak, he is discussing the plans to take the frigate."

  Arianna put space between her and Nicholas’ roaming hands. To save Keldon, she needed answers. "Is this how you’ll capture him?”

  "No.” he sighed. “It's a real shame, I know. I can’t wait until he’s out of our way. I’m as anxious as you are to marry.”

  Her stomach churned. She’d promised to marry him. She couldn’t believe it, but why would the man lie? She stared at Nicholas. His light brown hair and charming dimples were appealing, but there was no heart fluttering, no I-can’t-wait-to-see-you-again feeling. She felt nothing for him. She couldn’t inform Nicholas of her change of heart, at least not yet. She needed information, so she coul
d insure Keldon’s safety.

  She grimaced. Before her accident, she wanted Keldon dead, had planned his demise without a thought.

  She touched her fingers to her lips. Both Nicholas and Keldon had kissed her. Nicholas’ caress had infuriated her, but Keldon’s kiss had spilled through to her soul. No matter what happened between her and Keldon in the past, it didn’t matter now. Her heart knew she belonged with him.

  She turned her attention back to Nicholas. "If you aren't planning to take him in, what is the plan?"

  "Take him in?” Nicholas frowned.

  "You know, arrest him," she explained further.

  "Oh. Keldon must trust me first. Then the British will step in and justice will be served."

  "Are you sure we’re right about Keldon? Maybe he has a good reason for—"

  "Pirating," Nicholas finished. "Think of what you’re saying. The man has terrorized every British ship in sight."

  "We’re at war with the British. They’ve attacked our ships and they haven't allowed us to trade peaceably. They think they can dictate with whom we can trade. Keldon has confiscated items we need to survive."

  "Are you bloody insane? He's not out to help anyone. He's a murdering thief."

  Arianna paled. "He’s committed murder?"

  "Did you think he asks for the goods and the captains of each ship tip their hats and gladly hand over their cargo without a fight? Keldon Buchanan has murdered without a qualm. The only life he holds sacred is his own."

  Arianna blinked. The new information was like a slap in the face. Could what Nicholas just told her be true? Could Keldon really be so despicable? She didn't want to believe it. Trust the Scotsman. She couldn't shake the feeling this was important to remember.

  "Annabelle, you were the one who came to me with your suspicions. I need to know. Whose side are you on?"

  Arianna’s gaze locked with his and she realized Nicholas might say he loved her, but he’d forfeit her life if he thought he couldn’t trust her. Her whole life was a pack of lies. What was one more? She sauntered toward him and batted her eyelashes. "I'm with you, of course. Can you fault me for wanting proof of Keldon’s deeds?"