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Karen Michelle Nutt Page 14

  "Hmm. What exactly do you think we’re doing? Or should I ask?" he added with a small smile.

  "You shouldn't ask,” she replied.

  "You have your suspicion and maybe you are right.” He studied her for a moment.


  “I’m wondering how you sauntered past the men undetected. Even in your ridiculous outfit, you are too pretty to be a boy. Surely the men must be blind.”

  Arianna knew she blushed and cursed her fair complexion.

  Vincent grinned. "Oui."

  "Yes?” Arianna eyebrows furrowed.

  "Oui. Yes, to your question. We are far enough from home. Keldon won’t turn around. I suppose, you will have to take this adventure with us.” He tilted his head, his eyes betraying his worry. “As much as I enjoy your company, I am not sure how your presence will affect the other members of the crew. It might be for the best if we keep your identity a secret.”

  She sighed. “That was my plan. It didn’t work out so well.”

  “No.” He chuckled. “You made quite an entrance.”

  "Keldon’s not going to be pleased with me, is he?"

  "I would say not, but again, you are a lovely sight to behold. He might not be too angry with you."

  "Maybe I should go to him.” She attempted to stand, but Vincent immediately put a restraining hand on her shoulder.

  "You best stay put. I'll bring Keldon to you. This way I can ride the storm of his fury, he's sure to bestow. When he’s calm enough, I’ll send him down."

  "That's nice of you to do that for me, Mr. Aubrey."

  "Vincent, please.” He smiled. The man was charming, especially when his amber eyes twinkled with amusement.

  "Vincent then and you must call me Arianna," she insisted.

  "Arianna?” He sounded baffled. "But I thought your name was Annabelle. No?"

  She sighed wearily. "Yes, so I've been told."

  "Now you have me more confused than ever."

  "You see, I had a fall recently and my memory is not as it should be. I don't recall any of my life before a week ago and to be perfectly honest with you, I hope I never remember it. From what I've learned, I was not a very kind person."

  "If I may say so, it is most difficult for me to believe it. I must confess I have heard interesting rumors about you. I imagined in my mind that you had two heads and horns protruding from them.” He chuckled making Arianna smile at the ridiculous picture he conjured.

  "You make me sound like a devil."

  "Ah, people talk and sometimes they are most unkind."

  "In my case they may have had every right to talk."

  "Then you must have changed for I find your company very pleasant and Keldon must too. I haven’t seen him seem so... How should I say this... Well, most content. I envy him," he confessed, then cleared his throat as if he’d said too much. "I'll go talk to Keldon now.” He took her hand in his and bestowed a kiss. "Everything will be all right, Arianna. I will make sure of this.”


  Vincent shielded his eyes from the sun as he came topside. Spotting the tall Scotsman, he made his way over to him.

  Keldon acknowledged him with a nod then yelled for Higgins to loosen the sails.

  Dragging Keldon away would prove difficult, but Vincent kept up with him, lending a hand when needed.

  Keldon pivoted and bumped into Vincent. Keldon’s eyes narrowed. "Is there somethin’ ye wanted, Aubrey? Ye've been my shadow for the last half hour."

  "You have an unexpected visitor aboard,” Vincent blurted out before Keldon could be called away again.

  Keldon chuckled. “Weel did ye set out the fine china for tea?” When Keldon realized he was the only one laughing, his eyebrows came together in a frown. "A visitor, ye say. Ye mean a stowaway."

  "Oui. Before you get yourself upset—"

  "Get to the point, Aubrey. I doonae have all day to figure out yer riddles."

  "Always in a hurry, my friend. All right, then. Your wife is in your cabin."

  Keldon blinked in surprise. “Ye are mistaken. I kissed Arianna goodbye and left her safe at home.”

  “She’s down below."

  Keldon didn’t answer.

  “Did ye hear me?”

  "Aye, I heard ye fine. I am havin’ a wee bit of a problem believin’ this is possible."

  "Well, since I brought her down below myself, after her fall, I—"

  Keldon grabbed Vincent's shirt, worry creasing his brow. "Fall? Is the fool lass all right?"

  Vincent pried Keldon's fingers from his shirt and glanced behind him. You might want to keep it down.”

  Keldon took his meaning. He glared at anyone who was brave enough to meet his gaze.

  Vincent continued, "Arianna is fine. She twisted her foot. Nothing was broken."

  "And how, may I ask do ye know this?" he growled. His face turned red and the tick in his cheek warned Vincent one wrong word from him and he would be feeling Keldon's fists.

  "Now listen, I had to make sure the foot wasn’t broken. No?”

  Keldon took a deep breath and nodded. "Aye,” he managed to say, through clenched teeth. "Now that I know she is fine, she'll be ruing this day.” He turned on his heel, grumbling under his breath. “I doonae have enough to worry aboot, now I have to worry aboot her, too. What did the fool lass think she’d accomplish by sneakin’ aboard his ship?”

  Vincent ran ahead and intercepted Keldon before he could go down below.

  "Move aside, Aubrey," he warned.

  "You must give me your word you will not be too severe with her."

  "This is none of yer concern. Now move aside before I move ye myself."

  "Then I'm going down below with you. I will not have you mistreating her."

  Keldon opened and shut his mouth with a harrumph. “Ye cannae be serious. What do ye think I’m goin’ to do to her?”

  “I am not sure, but if your scowl is an indication…” He shrugged, letting the implication speak for itself.

  Keldon smoothed out his features. "If I give ye my word, that I will no’ lay a hand on her, will ye let me pass?"

  "Your word has always been good with me."

  "Aye. Then ye have it. Now, kindly move aside.”

  With a sweep of his hand, he gave him wide berth.

  He watched Keldon disappear into the inky blackness, hoping he had not made a grave mistake.

  “What was that about?”

  Vincent glanced over his shoulder to see Nicholas Sherborn standing there.

  "You two look like you were about at blows with each other.”

  Vincent shook his head. "The captain has something unexpected to take care of. It's nothing that he can't handle.”


  Keldon ran a hand through his hair. Arianna was down below in his cabin and here he had felt guilty telling her he had to leave her this morning. He fabricated a story about Vincent needing his help with a family emergency. She had sweetly kissed him and told him she understood. He had been pleased that he didn’t have to make a desperate plea. He knew it had been too easy, but she distracted him by crawling into his arms and kissing him until he forgot his worries. The minx knew she’d see him soon, no wonder she’d been so easily appeased.

  With his hand on the door handle, Keldon drew in a deep breath before he entered his quarters.

  Arianna looked up innocently with her doe-like eyes. He still couldn’t believe it, but there she was, dressed in an outfit that hung on her. She posed a ridiculous picture, but all he could think about was tearing the cap off her head and burying his fingers in her long silky hair as he ravaged her lips. She’d lured him in like a siren’s call and he couldn’t resist her.

  "Keldon, don’t look at me so.”

  “And how am I lookin’ at ye?”

  “Like you want to devour me whole.”

  He chuckled. “Ye are close.”

  His Scottish accent thickened, a sure sign he wasn’t pleased with her. She swallowed hard, questioning her judgment
about taking this voyage.

  He closed the door and locked it. She knew he would never hurt her, but his scrutiny made her uncomfortable. She couldn’t read his expression.

  Without a word, he approached her. He knelt down in front of her and lifted her foot. Her skin was raw and swollen, already turning three shades of color. For possessing such large hands, his touch was surprisingly gentle.

  He looked up. “Does yer ankle hurt much?”

  His pale green gaze always knocked her for a loop and it took her a second to realize he asked her a question. Only, it wasn’t the inquiry she expected. Where was the reprimand for her stupidity? She had a whole line of answers to shoot back at him for that question.

  She cleared her throat. "It looks worse than it feels. I wasn't looking where I was going and—” She swallowed her words as his mouth captured hers in a hungry kiss. Arianna’s eyelids fluttered closed and on a sigh she gave into the passion he offered. He then released her, making her lurch forward from the sudden abandonment.

  Keldon stood and backed away from her. He opened his mouth to say something then turned away mumbling under his breath. He paced back and forth. He ran his hand through his hair then finally he stopped and stared at her.

  Why was she here? How did she know of his ship? And what did she plan to do with the information? Old doubts flooded through his mind. He couldn’t just ignore them like a love, sick fool. "Ye best be tellin’ me why yer dressed like a lad out fer his first sea voyage."

  "I wanted to be with you and I would miss..."

  He narrowed his eyes and her gaze fell away. “Please doonae lie to me, Arianna.”

  "Oh Keldon, please don’t be angry with me. Listen to me with an open mind and I’ll tell you the truth.”

  He nodded and leaned against the bunk. “Go on then.”

  "I know who you are," she stated.

  He lifted an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.

  "You’re the Scotsman. Everyone in town has been talking about you."

  Keldon couldn’t help but chuckle. "I'm the talk of the town, am I?"

  She threw him a frown. "Be serious. It's not a claim to fame you should want. No matter how glamorous and romantic they make you sound, you are still a criminal in their eyes."


  “That glimmer in your eye isn’t amusing. I have the mind to slap some sense into that thick skull of yours.”

  “Do ye think ye’re capable?”

  She ignored his challenge. "You just don't get it do you. You think this is all fun and games. Well it isn’t. You and your motley crew are playing a dangerous game on the high sea. This isn't Disneyland, you know. You won't be getting off the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at the end of the trip. This is for real. If you’re caught they'll hang you.” She was out of breath by the time she had ended her tirade.

  "What is this Diz-knee-land? And we are no’ pirates of the Caribbean. We have a purpose other than plunderin’ ships. The British brought this upon themselves. Our country cannae freely trade with other countries. My band of pirates—as ye want to call them—and I are verra weel the blessin’ to the country. We bring the goods in as needed. The cargo wouldnae have gotten through otherwise. You ken?”

  "No I don't ken?" she said sarcastically. "Do you really believe what you are saying? You think slaughtering innocent men and stealing their livelihood is okay because you give it back to society."

  Keldon brows shot up. "Slaughterin’? We defend ourselves of course, but we do all that is in our power no’ to murder a soul. Ye have my word on the matter.” He moved away from the bed and knelt down beside her. "Do ye care for me?” He desperately wanted to know, for though she had shown him a physical attraction, she had never declared her love to him.

  "What kind of question is that?"

  "A verra good one. Do ye?” He wanted the truth.

  "Of course, I do. Why do you think I am here? I want you alive. I want you to be the father of my children. I want to grow old with you."

  A smile spread across his face. "I be wantin’ those verra things, too. I have been on American soil since my thirteenth year and it is my home. I have an obligation to my men and to this country.” He was surprised at his own declaration. When he had started this quest, he had wanted to do something reckless, something Annabelle would hate. But his marriage had taken on a new meaning and he knew his purpose.

  "Then do this the right way. Obtain a..." She waved her hands in the air searching for the right words. "Obtain a pardon from whomever you get a pardon from, and help with the cause if you feel you must. You won't have to worry much longer anyway. There will be a treaty made soon."

  "A treaty?” He lifted one dark eyebrow, wondering how she would know of this.

  Arianna didn’t seem to hear him. Her eyes glazed as if she were in a trance.

  He took hold of her hand, but she didn’t acknowledge him as she told him her eerie premonition. “Fighting will break out in New Orleans before the information reaches anyone.”

  "What are ye talkin’ aboot?" Keldon asked, trying to gain Arianna’s attention.

  "In December when the American and British peace commissioners sign the Treaty of Ghent. It'll put an end to the war of 1812. Unfortunately, the British General... can’t think of his name. Anyway, he'll lead his men into an attack on New Orleans. General Jackson will hire sharpshooters from Tennessee and Kentucky. The battle will only last about a half an hour or so and it ends up being a slaughter for the British. Over 2000 of their men will be killed. We fair much better. Eight killed, thirteen wounded. Jackson will be celebrated.” Arianna stopped her rendition of the war and blinked. “Oh my God, how do I know this? I read it somewhere, had to memorize it or something.” Her eyes widened in fear. “What is wrong with me? I have these flashes of places, of things like their lost memories, but they couldn’t be, could they?”

  "Ye have been sayin’ such strange things since that bump on yer head.” Keldon feared more than just her personality had been altered.

  "I know and it's driving me mad. An image or an event pops into my head, like this one. I know sometime in September of this year a man by the name of Francis Scott Key will be inspired to write, the Star Spangled Banner. The song will one day be our national anthem.” She sang a few lines.


  “This isn’t funny.”

  “I wasnae tryin’ to be.”

  “Then listen, please. As sure as I am sitting here, I know what I just told you about the war will happen, too."

  "Like how ye know aboot the thing ye called a car will be invented?”

  Arianna nodded. "I don't know how I know. I just do."

  He nodded. "Somehow ye have gotten the second sight.”

  Arianna squeezed his hand. "Then listen to me now, for the life you are leading will end in tragedy."

  He didn’t have a chance to comment before there was a knock at the door. "Captain," the man on the other side of the door called out. "We've spotted a ship. She's not flying her colors. There may be trouble ahead.”

  Keldon stood. His conversation with Arianna would have to wait. "I'll be there right away," he called out.

  "Aye captain.” They heard the man's retreating steps.

  "Ye stay put,” he said to Arianna. “I ken verra weel ye have a curious mind, but ye cannae be in the way. Promise me ye will stay in my cabin."

  "What if the ship is sinking?” Arianna said, sarcasm dripping from her words. “Should I still stay put then?"

  He threw up his hands. "Ye are impossible ye know.” Half, kidding, he added with a wag of his finger, "If I see yer bonny arse up above, I'll shoot ye myself.” He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. Then headed out the door to find out what awaited them.

  Up top, Keldon headed over to Vincent and Leighton. "What do ye see?" he asked, as Vincent handed the spyglass to him.

  "Have a look for yourself.”

  He knew Vincent had already made his assessment. By the tone of his vo
ice, it didn’t bode well.

  He frowned. If the other ship caught up with them, they’d be in for a fight. He wasn’t pleased to have another complication thrown his way.

  His men were well trained for confrontations and he had no worries about their capabilities, but one never knew when you might come across a ship that was able to outman them. On top of it all, he worried about Arianna. He’d never forgive himself if something were to happen to her. "Prepare the men," he said grimly as he handed the spyglass back to Vincent.

  "Can we out run them or should I sharpen my blades?" Leighton asked.

  "I plan on tryin' to out run them. Their ship is smaller and therefore lighter and swifter. If they plan to board us and if the wind doesnae change, they'll be upon us in a few hours."

  The men were silent while they worked to keep the Good Intent ahead of the other ship. As soon as it deemed possible, Vincent made his way back to Keldon. "What about our visitor below?"

  Keldon eyes narrowed. "Why are ye so preoccupied with my wife?"

  Vincent raised his hands in defense. "Nothing other than concern for her welfare, my friend."

  "Doonae fash yerself none. I'll defend her with my life, if need be.”

  Vincent smiled.

  “Why are ye wearin’ a silly grin?”

  Vincent shrugged. “You told me not too long ago you weren’t on good terms with your wife. I wanted to know if I should stand guard over her, but it seems you have reconciled, no?"

  “Ach, Aubrey, worry aboot savin’ yer own arse.” Keldon strode away with Vincent’s chuckle grating on his nerves.

  Nicholas wasn’t blind to the events unfolding. He noticed Keldon and Vincent whispering to one another. Nicholas hadn’t been convinced before, but he was now. Keldon had someone down below. If it hadn’t been for the blasted pirate ship chasing them, he would have already had the mystery solved, but for now, he had duties to perform to keep the enemy at bay. “This venture should have been a smooth run,” he mumbled under his breath.

  Nicholas’ gaze landed on Higgins. A slow smile spread across his face as a plan formed in his mind. He called to the boy. “Hold my line, will you?”