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- A Twist of Fate
Karen Michelle Nutt Page 13
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Page 13
Arianna took a deep breath. “Leave the light on then.” He leaned down to kiss her, but her words halted him. “Will it hurt this time?”
His eyebrows drew together. “Did I hurt ye last night?”
“No. Well, a little the first time.” She blushed from head to toe, a becoming crimson color. “But I was talking about you.”
“There was a little blood on your jacket and I thought maybe I did something to hurt you.”
Keldon wasn’t sure what to make of what she told him. There shouldn’t have been blood. She wasn’t a virgin and yet he recalled how tight she had felt when he had entered her. For a moment, he let himself think about what Maeve had suggested, that Annabelle was no longer here, that this woman, who was before him was someone else. God, he could almost believe it.
“Keldon?” She sounded worried.
He shook his head to clear his thoughts. Obviously, he had too much wine before he came up here to be thinking such fanciful notions. “Nay lass, ye dinnae hurt me.”
“Good.” She sighed with relief, but still she chewed on her lower lip.
He took her hand and placed her palm against him. “Do ye feel it?” he asked. “It is my heart ready to leap from my chest.” He then brought her hand to his mouth with a kiss. “Doonae be afraid.”
Naked passion warmed her gaze. “I trust you.” She curled her fingers around his shirt, pulling him closer. She kissed the base of his neck, her lips feeling cool against the warmth of his flesh. “I love the way you smell,” she murmured.
“And how is that?”
She inhaled. “Salt air, pipe tobacco and …”
“Don’t laugh.”
He touched her chin tilting her head back. “I willnae laugh.”
“It’s a unique scent that is only you, all male.”
He cradled her head and with one smooth movement covered her mouth with his own.
She helped him remove his shirt. He trembled as she worked her way from his neck to his abdomen then down to the waistband of his trousers. He burned with desire from her sweet touches. He ran his hand down her back, gathering the thin material she wore, freeing her of its confines. Completely bare to his eyes, he eased her down to the softness of the large bed. He drank up her beauty, memorizing each curve of her body with the touch of his hand. He then leaned down to kiss her rosy lips, letting his tongue touch hers, intertwining and mating as one. Her hand trailed down to cup him, kneading his hard member. His gut clenched tight and his willpower dwindled fast. He didn’t want it to end this way. He put his hand over hers to halt her caresses.
She looked at him her brow creased with worry. “Don’t you want me to touch you?”
“Aye, so much so I fear I’ll no’ please ye first.”
“What do you mean?”
She really didn’t know. “Ah my innocent lass.” She sighed as his lips feathered over hers. “Let me take care of ye tonight and then later, ye may have yer way with me.” He leaned down to kiss her again, but she placed a hand on his chest.
“You promise?”
He chuckled. “Aye, ye have my word.”
She nodded letting her hand fall away.
He made love to her with his tender caresses, bringing her close to rapture only to slow his pace, his palms burning a path down her, as his mouth took the full flower of her breasts. His hand slid between her legs, his fingers gently stroking, caressing fanning the flames of desire. He left her only to remove the rest of his clothing. She welcomed him back into her embrace, their bodies coming together with reverence of love. Holding tighter, he took her past desire with his steady thrusts to the trembling world where passion touched their souls.
Anticipation thickened the air around her as Arianna counted the minutes before Keldon would take her in his arms, again. He stirred a deep sexual hunger within her until she thought she’d go mad with want for his touch. For the life of her, she couldn’t understand why she made her bed in the room across the hall, or why she started an affair with Nicholas Sherborn. “Sherborn.” The blood drained from her face as she remembered he could ruin everything. He was a danger to Keldon and to her, especially if he realized she didn’t return his affections. She couldn’t let Nicholas catch on that she’d changed her mind about their relationship, at least not until she secured Keldon’s safety.
She frowned. Keldon continued his life of piracy, but she supposed she shouldn’t have thought otherwise. He wouldn’t stop simply because they slept together.
Blast it, anyway! They were trying to have a baby. She wanted their child to grow up with a mother and a father. Keldon was too self-assured, thinking he could out sail every ship after he plundered their goods. No one could run forever and when they caught Keldon, they’d hang him for his arrogance.
She bit her tongue whenever he said he had a meeting to attend. She wanted to yell at him and tell him how stupid he was to risk everything for a few coins. The plantation was lucrative. Keldon told her she had inherited land and money from her father. They didn’t need the money and even if they did she wouldn’t have cared; she wanted him. She didn’t know she could love someone so completely. His mere touch worked magic. Passion would consume her until she was lost in his world. There, it didn’t matter what he did for a living, but reality did. He had to stop and soon, or they’d lose everything.
Their time together in matrimonial bliss became limited. Keldon had late night meetings and trips into town. Men, she didn’t recognize visited Blue Run all times of the night. In a matter of days, Keldon would set sail. Once on the open sea, she didn’t know what the future would hold for them. So much could go wrong, but she dare not dwell on those possibilities. She had to hope she could gain Keldon’s trust, and finally, shed all secrets.
This is why she’d set up this plan. She hurried down the stone path to wait in the garden as Maeve had instructed her to do. Samuel would meet her there with his decision.
She paced with worry and wrung her hands. Then she spotted him walking toward her, but his worn, dark face revealed nothing. His dark gaze bore into hers, assessing her of her worth. He looked away then. "You must meet me on de ‘morrow, de moment dat Mist' Keldon leaves de house. You do jest as I says and I’ll be gettin' you on de ship."
Arianna released the breath she had been holding. "Thank you, Samuel for helping me. You won't regret it."
"You make sure dat I don't. Ef any harm comes ter Mista Keldon 'cause of treachery, you will wish you wuz never born."
"I am doing this to protect him," she defended herself. She met Samuel’s gaze head on daring him to find any sign of deceit.
“You love him.” He scratched his head and his eyes widened in amazement.
“Of course, I do. I only want the best for him.”
"Maeve mentioned dere be traitors among us."
She nodded. She couldn’t tell Samuel who he was. He wouldn’t keep her secret. His loyalty would demand he tell Keldon immediately. She’d have to add one more lie to the many. “There is, but I don’t know who he is.”
"How'd you come ter know someone means him harm den?"
“I was walking in the garden when I heard a low hum of conversation. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I had planned to circle around and head back to the house, but I took a wrong turn, bringing me closer to where the two were conversing. Their agenda included Keldon dangling from a rope.” The lie tasted bitter in her mouth, but there was no going back now.
“Why didn’t you go ter Mista Keldon with dis information?”
She straightened her shoulders. “You know he wouldn’t have listened to me. He doesn’t trust me, but I’m different now. I’m not that treacherous woman who didn’t care who she trampled. I can’t erase what I did to Keldon in the past, but I can ensure he will have a future. I would never do anything to harm Keldon," she pleaded with Samuel to believe her. “If I’m on the ship, maybe I’ll recognize the voices I heard and
be able to point out the traitors to you.”
After a horribly long moment, Samuel finally sighed. “I know you’s different. One you wud have never stood dere defendin’ yousself ter me.” He nodded his head. “I believe you. You go back ter de house fer now. I will give Maeve clothin’ fer you ter wear. You will have ter looks like de others.” Samuel rubbed his chin and looked thoughtfully at Arianna. "You be tall enough ter pass as a cabin boy, efs you hides your hair. I’ll see whut I kin do about gettin' you a cap. I will see you 'morrow." Samuel turned on his heel and disappeared into the foliage.
For a long moment, Arianna stayed rooted in her spot, too afraid to move less Samuel return and tell her he’d changed his mind. She sat down on the bench with a sigh of relief. Phase one of her plan was in motion. Tomorrow, she’d be on the ship with Keldon.
"Don't make me do it," Maeve said to Arianna with the shears poised near her beautiful hair.
"You have to, my hair’s too long. I'll never be able to hide it under the cap Samuel gave me.” Arianna didn’t know why Maeve had to be so difficult.
"Dere must be another way. I kin't do it.” Maeve put the shears down on the dresser and Arianna turned to look at her.
"Listen, I'll do it myself if I have to. I was hoping you would help me cut it evenly. It's not a big deal.” She shrugged. “Besides, my hair will grow back."
Maeve still wasn’t sure. "Why don't I braid it and..." Arianna shook her head before she could finish explaining her plan.
"I can't take the chance of my hair falling free.” Arianna took the shears from her. She was about to cut the first strands, when Maeve put her hand upon hers.
"I suppose ef you’s dat determined ter cut your hair, I will try ter makes it look neat."
"Thank you, Maeve."
As soon as Keldon left the house, Arianna donned her disguise. She met Samuel at the appointed meeting place near the small pond in the garden.
She didn’t feel safe until she was onboard Keldon’s ship, the Good Intent. She hid behind the water barrels and the boxes filled with supplies.
She questioned Samuel about The Good Intent wanting to know all there was about the ship. He told her it was a masted sailing vessel rigged with a longbow sprit. It had a shallow draught, so it would be able to move with ease even in low tide. The flag that Keldon chose to fly was the typical black with skull and crossbones in the center, but to the right of the skull was a bagpipe and on the left, there was an hourglass. Samuel explained the bagpipes signified Keldon’s love of music and the hourglass symbolized the days of their lives. She prayed their hourglass would remain full.
Arianna worried even though Samuel insured her of her safety. Samuel stocked and readied the supplies. There was no reason one of the men would stumble upon her. Once they were out to sea, she hoped to mix in with the crew. She would just have to wait patiently for the ship to set sail.
She settled down and waited, her lids felt heavy and she let them fall, telling herself she’d only rest her eyes for a moment, but it seemed she fell asleep. She awoke again to the sound of Keldon’s booming voice, ordering his men to lift anchor.
This was really happening.
She shifted her weight to a crouching position and peeked around the bulky water barrel. The men scurried around in the dim darkness. Her gaze riveted to Keldon's tall lean frame garbed in his Scotsman kilt of green, gold and orange. He looked powerful, handsome and deadly all in one. Her heart swelled with pride as she watched him take command and he by no means, stood idle. He helped his men finish the tasks that would put them out to sea.
Arianna felt the ship lurch forward. Then pick up speed as the ocean water pushed against the sides and the wind skimmed the open deck.
She watched the crewmembers at work, wondering if any of them had visited Keldon at the house. She spotted Samuel, Leighton, Vincent Aubrey and— Dear God! She immediately slid further back into her hiding place. Her heart went into sudden shock. How could she have forgotten about Nicholas Sherborn? Of course, he would be on the ship. It was his plan to take the Spanish frigate, in hopes Keldon would trust him.
Once Nicholas found out she was onboard, she had no doubt he would corner her for answers. A rush of dread whirled inside her as Arianna racked her brain for a plausible explanation Nicholas would accept.
"Miss Arianna?" Samuel hissed.
"I'm here.” She scooted forward.
"You kin come out now."
She crawled over to Samuel, hesitating to go out in the open. "Are you sure?"
"Shor’ as I kin be. Jest keep your hair covered and don't be talkin' ter no one. I have a place where you kin wait down below. We won't catch up ter de other ship fer days. Even ef all goes well, it kin be very tricky. You best stay below jest in case dere be fightin's goin' on."
"Samuel, is there a lot of bloodshed when you take over another ship?” She dreaded the answer, but she had to know the truth.
"No'm dere ain't. Mista Keldon don't believe in killin' unless dere be no other way. Now, let's stop de chatterin' before we gets ourselves caught."
She nodded and they made their way down to the lower deck without a hitch. The place Samuel had in mind for her to hide in was dark and stuffy. She thought about taking her chances up above, but in the end, she knew she’d be foolish to risk it. She had to stay hidden until they were far enough out to sea, so that Keldon wouldn’t be able to turn back without jeopardizing the whole expedition.
Arianna would wait to put forth plan B—well before they attacked the Spanish frigate. Keldon wanted to start a family. Being a pirate and a father couldn’t go hand in hand. Since their night in the garden, Keldon had been most attentive. With as much heated passion as he displayed, she could already be pregnant. If he didn’t want to run the plantation, then there had to be another line of business, a legitimate one that would interest him.
She stood and paced in the small enclosure. The sway of the ship and the stale air made her stomach turn. She needed fresh air. Surely, it had been a few hours since they had set sail. She made her way up the stairs to the bright sunshine, realizing the day had begun, while she’d been sitting in the dark hole below.
"Hey, ye lad get a move on.” Arianna turned toward a large burley man with dark eyes, long hair and sideburns. She realized he addressed her. She gulped and pulled her cap lower, until it covered her ears. "Did ye hear me lad?" the man yelled to her, again.
Arianna didn’t trust her voice. She nodded her reply.
"Well then get yer bony arse up here and help Higgins with the ropes."
Arianna nodded again even though she had no idea who Higgins was, but one look from the scowling man giving the orders, made her think she’d better find him.
Lucky for her, she heard Vincent Aubrey call to Higgins. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of the tall scraggly looking boy. He looked more out of place than she did. She headed over to him, keeping her face hidden from Vincent's view. She couldn’t take the chance he’d recognize her.
"Boy! No watch out!” Vincent's warning came a second too late.
Arianna stepped in the center of the loop as Higgins yanked on the rope. The twine constricted around her ankle like a noose, dragging her down and knocking the wind out of her. Higgins oblivious to what happened continued to drag her across the deck.
“Higgins stop,” Vincent ordered as he ran to help her.
Higgins turned and the color drained from his face. “Bloody ‘ell.” He loosened his hold.
Arianna breathed a sigh of relief. Being unceremoniously hauled up by her feet was bound to call attention. This was exactly what she didn’t need.
Vincent knelt down beside her.
She lowered her hat, covering her view. Why didn’t she have the sense to stay down below?
Vincent removed the rope from around her legs. "Are you all right?"
Arianna kept her eyes averted. "I'm fine," she answered in a gruff voice. Her ankle throbbed a
nd her skin felt like it was on fire, but she needed Vincent to leave her alone before he recognized her. She scrambled to her feet, but once she put pressure on her right foot, she knew she was in trouble. She pitched forward and Vincent caught her.
She cringed as his hands landed on her chest.
"What in the world.” He steadied her and lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Good God, Mrs. Buchanan?" he whispered.
She nodded slowly. He helped her to move away from the others. Oh, she was in for it now.
"Does Keldon know you’re onboard?" he asked.
She shook her head and pleaded with her eyes for him not to say anything.
"You can't keep it a secret," he said as he nervously looked around him, noticing that Higgins watched them.
"Is he all right, sir?" Higgins called.
Vincent quickly answered. "No harm done, that can't be taken care of. Continue what you were doing, Higgins. I'll take the boy down below to wrap his ankle."
Vincent half led, half carried her to one of the cabins. There was a large bunk to the left of the room, a table and chairs to the right of it. He made her sit down on one of the chairs, before he knelt down to inspect the damage. He gingerly lifted her foot and rested it on his knee.
"Pardon me, Mrs. Buchanan, but I must remove the boot to make sure the ankle is not broken.”
Arianna wasn’t going to protest. Her foot throbbed.
When he removed the boot, she nearly bit her lip through, trying not to scream. He probed and poked until he was sure no bones were out of place. He dragged the other chair over and made her prop her foot up. He stood back and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Now what do we do with you?"
"Are we far enough from home that Keldon won’t be able to send me back?"
"What is this about?” He frowned. “What mischief are you up to? Why are you here?"
"I have the right to know what kind of man I'm married to. I wanted to see for myself, firsthand how he conducted business.”