Karen Michelle Nutt Page 12
He pulled his coat closer around her. "Ye head up to the house and get yerself dressed. I'll be there soon to join ye for breakfast."
She gave him a tentative smile and nodded.
At the door, Arianna turned and looked at the man she’d fallen in love with and maybe it was for the very first time. He sensed her lingering and he turned his head, giving her a lopsided grin. She smiled and blew him a kiss before heading out to face the day.
Arianna passed a scowling Leighton on her way up to the house. "Good morning, Leighton," she greeted cheerfully. She didn't wait for his reply but kept going. She could feel his heated gaze following her, but she didn’t care. Nothing could ruin her day when her heart was full of joy.
Leighton’s brow creased as he walked over to the stables. He could hear Keldon whistling that damn tune of his. “There’d be too much happiness aboot this mornin’,” Leighton grumbled. When he entered the stable, Keldon turned to greet him before he continued his whistling.
"I passed by Annabelle on my way here. She was up and aboot in her nightclothes." Leighton waited for Keldon to explain the rest.
"Aye," was his only reply. He then continued his whistling, as he rubbed down the horses.
"Ye seen her then?” Leighton frown deepened.
Keldon stopped whistling just long enough to answer. "Aye.”
Leighton cleared his throat with harrumphed. "Will ye stop that infernal racket?"
Keldon looked up. "What the devil is the matter with ye?”
"With me? I was wonderin' where ye've been, but now I ken verra weel. Ye've been cavortin' with that woman." Leighton pointed behind him.
Keldon stopped what he was doing and walked over to Leighton. "That woman as ye have referred to, happens to be my wife."
"Defendin' her now. Are ye? Has the woman bewitched ye?"
"I believe it's none of yer business.” He purposely turned his back on him and continued with his task.
"Weel ye answered the question sure enough.” Leighton moved beside him with determination. He wouldn’t be put off. "Annabelle isnae good. Ye ken this as much as I do."
"Arianna has changed," Keldon snapped back.
"Arianna, is it now. Ye best stop thinkin' with, yer lower extremities and think with yer head. She be a verra bonny lass, but she has nay heart. How quickly ye be forgettin' this, when she offers ye her favors.”
"That's enough.” Keldon's eyes blazed with anger. "You doonae understand."
"Aye. That be true enough, but I do know that I love ye like a son. I say these things to protect ye. She doesnae care for anyone, but herself."
"I thank ye for you concern, but I ken verra weel what I'm doin’. Is there anythin’ else you’d be wishin’ to speak to me aboot?”
Leighton still fumed, but he was wise enough to bite his tongue on the matter. "Vincent Aubrey will be by this mornin’?"
"I’m aware," Keldon answered stiffly.
"He may have some information aboot Nicholas Sherborn’s story. If his information proves to be true, we set sail within the week. I’ll head back to the house."
“Ye do that.”
After Leighton left, Keldon went back to the horses, still miffed over the confrontation. Leighton had a valid point, but the man hadn’t witnessed what he had. Annabelle had changed. Last night, he had seen her soul mirrored in her eyes. She was Arianna with a kind and compassionate heart. Maeve told him she was different from the start and now, he believed it, too. He loved the new woman she’d become. “Arianna.” The name rolled off his tongue and he smiled.
Vincent Aubrey arrived early and waited in the foyer until Arianna came downstairs to greet him. She assured him Keldon would be in shortly and invited him in for breakfast. How could he refuse a beautiful woman’s invitation? She wore a cream colored dress with burgundy roses and her hair wrapped in a braided twist—simple, but fetching.
“So how do you know my husband?”
“Aah I’m forever in your husband’s debt of course.”
Her gaze swept over him with what appeared to be skepticism. “Of course. Do you care to tell me why you are in my husband’s debt?”
He chuckled as he pulled out the chair for her at the table. The delicious aromas of bacon, eggs, fresh bread and coffee hit his nostrils. “I suppose I should explain.” Though he wouldn’t tell her everything. “Your husband saved me and my crew from certain death. For this I do owe him my life.”
Arianna passed the plate of scrambled eggs to him. He felt enchanted by Keldon's wife. She was possibly the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. He hadn’t met her until last week and he was pleasantly surprised. He had heard horror stories about her from Leighton and he’d been convinced she sported horns from her head. The exaggeration on Leighton’s part spoke of the man’s unfounded prejudices. Vincent’s lips curved into a grin as Arianna spoke of her husband with fondness. Her blue eyes shone with admiration at the mere mention of his name. Keldon was a lucky man. His wife loved him without reservation. This much he was certain.
"What brings you out to see us so early this morning?" Arianna asked as she handed him a plate of freshly baked bread.
"Just business of the most tedious type. I'm afraid I would bore you with the details of it."
Arianna highly doubted it. Pirating could be anything but boring. She had a hunch Vincent wanted to discuss Nicholas’ information about the Spanish frigate. She needed the information, too. Only she didn’t have the foggiest notion how she was going to get it.
"I enjoyed the music you entertained us with the other night. The... what was it called? Ah yes, Great Balls of Fire.” There was a twinkle of amusement in his amber colored eyes, making Arianna giggle.
"The music was a little unconventional, but I just couldn't resist."
"Well, I rather enjoyed it. My sister, Chantal used to play for hours at a time. I really hate to admit it, but her music could be such a bore at times. It was quite refreshing to hear something lively. Did you write the piece yourself?"
Arianna smiled. "No, though I don't remember who did."
The conversation had little chance to progress before Keldon appeared. Arianna noticed he’d brushed his hair and changed his clothes. His gaze touched her, making her heart race at the memory of last night, the physical awareness of the way he had held her, touched her.
They were lost to each other for the moment, until Arianna heard Vincent clear his throat. She glanced at Vincent’s know-all expression and felt the heat burn her cheeks. Had Keldon and she been so obvious?
"Good morning, Keldon, my friend.” Vincent turned his attention on her husband. “You have decided to join us, no? Your wife has been a most gracious host."
Keldon lifted one dark eyebrow. "Has she now.” He pulled out his chair and took a seat.
I thought we could discuss a few things after breakfast," Vincent added.
"Do ye bring good tidings, Aubrey?"
"That I do good friend. That I do."
Arianna suddenly lost her appetite. The good news could only mean one thing. They would set sail to do their unsavory deeds of larceny.
After breakfast, Keldon and Vincent Aubrey took the boat into Charleston. Arianna grew tired of waiting for their return and headed down the beaten path to visit Sophie. She could hear the baby’s wails as she approached.
Arianna poked her head inside the cabin. “Hello,” she raised her voice to be heard over the wailing child.
Sophie turned to look at her and relief spread across her face. “Miss Arianna. I don’t know whut ter do with him. He cries all day.” Sophie looked exhausted. Her hair was standing on end and her eyes were puffy and blood shot. She didn't look like she had slept for days.
"Why don't you let me take him for a while," Arianna offered.
Sophie stopped pacing and stared at her.
"I promise, I will be careful with him," Arianna coaxed, believing Sophie thought she couldn’t handle the infant.
"Sorry, Miss Arianna. I don't mean ter gawk, but you want ter hold my little Elijah?”
Arianna didn't understand why Sophie found this odd. "Of course I want to hold the baby.” Then she added, “as long as you don't mind."
“No, I don’t mind.” Sophie walked over to her and handed her Elijah.
"Now, don’t you worry about anything,” Arianna assured her. “You go and lie down. I'll take care of the little one for you.”
Arianna held the crying baby cradled against her, while she paced back and forth across the small cabin floor. “It’s all right, Elijah. Don’t cry,” she cooed. Then she started to hum a sweet lullaby. The melody was soothing and peaceful and finally the baby's wails turned to whimpers before ceasing altogether. He stared up at her with his big brown eyes. She gently wiped away his tears with her thumb and kissed his forehead. “Would you like to hear another song?”
The baby cooed, making her smile.
Sophie had been asleep for a while and Elijah finally drifted to sleep, too. Arianna sat down in the only chair that was in the room. Reluctant to put Elijah down and have him awake again, she decided to hold him for a while longer.
Keldon watched Arianna from the doorway, completely mesmerized by his sleeping wife. She looked at ease cuddling the infant close to her chest. Against his will, old memories came back to haunt him, making him remember the child they’d lost.
Arianna stirred, her eyes fluttering open. "You’re back.”
"Aye. How’s the wee lad?”
"Growing. He's so beautiful, Keldon," Arianna said as she gently caressed the sleeping child. She looked up and met his gaze, her eyebrows furrowing as if something bothered her. "Do you want children, Keldon?"
He swallowed hard. She didn’t remember. "Aye. Verra much so.” He held his breath waiting for her to say something to the contrary. The old Annabelle had made it very clear she never wanted to have a child, but this new woman she’d become, he didn’t know what she would say.
Arianna’s lips curved. "I think we better try a little harder then."
"Are ye up to tryin’ tonight?” He hurriedly asked, not wanting to give her a chance to change her mind.
"On one condition.”
He nodded for her to continue.
"That we share one room from now on."
Keldon thought he would never hear those words. He cleared his throat. "A simple enough request. Will I be movin’ into your room or will ye be joinin’ me?"
“I’ll join you.”
Arianna closed the door to her room. Happy to know she didn’t have to sleep in there anymore. She still had a problem with Nicholas Sherborn. She never knew when he’d show up for a visit. She had to end the affair, but she didn’t know how. Since Keldon wasn’t ready to confide in her, she needed Nicholas for information.
She walked across the hall to Keldon’s room—their room now. Her gaze landed on the bed and her heart thudded in her chest. Keldon would lie down next to her and... She chewed on her lower lip as she worried. She glanced around Keldon’s room with its bold colors and stark furnishings. Her belongings mingled in among his but she felt like an intruder. She hugged herself. “I’m being ridiculous. We’ve been married for five years.” Still her nerves were on edge. She couldn't help it. She didn’t remember any of those years. As far as she was concerned, last night had been their first time together and she feared the magic wouldn’t be there.
Maeve walked in carrying her vanity tray. "Lets me brush your hair so it’s all shiny."
Arianna knew it would be useless to argue with the woman. For no matter how much she assured Maeve she could do things for herself, the woman seemed determined to ignore her.
Arianna sat down on the chair that stood beside the bed, letting Maeve begin her task. "You have beautiful hair."
Arianna wasn’t really listening. Her thoughts turned toward her dilemma. She needed a concrete plan to stop Keldon from his life of piracy before Nicholas Sherborn had him killed. Unfortunately, she hadn’t a clue what she was going to do. She didn’t even know where he hid his ship, but she had a sneaky suspicion Maeve might. She seemed to know the comings and goings of everyone and their business. She glanced over her shoulder. "Maeve, where does Keldon dock his ship?”
Maeve paused for only a second before she continued brushing Arianna’s long hair again. "Ship? I don't know whut you be takin' about.”
Maeve’s slight hesitation proved suspicious. Arianna turned in her seat, looking into the woman’s soft brown eyes. "You know what he’s been doing? You know he's a pirate."
"I know no such thing,” she insisted. “Where'd you get a fool notion like dat?"
Arianna ignored her denial. "He can't keep going on this track. It's dangerous. If he's caught, they'll hang him. I can't have that happen. Not now when we have a chance for a future. I love him, Maeve.”
Maeve squeezed her hand. "I know you do."
“Then you have to help me."
Maeve was well aware of the danger. After all, she was no fool. She also knew that Keldon had only begun this hazardous business of the sea because Annabelle had been so terrible he couldn’t stand living with her. Perhaps by God’s will the forces brought Arianna here to save him. "Whut’s do you plan on doin'?"
"Stow away. I have to try to make him change his ways before it's too late.”
Maeve’s eyebrows shot up. "Whut’s stowin’ away goin’ ter do? It will gets you kilt, is whut," she answered her own question.
"I'll be perfectly safe. Once I make my presence known, Keldon will be there to protect me."
"You’s crazy. Mista Keldon more than likely will be so furious with you, he’ll want ter throws you overboard."
"I'll take my chances. We’re talking about Keldon’s life. I know he won’t willingly tell me about his transgressions, but if I see what he does, he'll have no other choice than to confide in me. Then I can tell him about—" Arianna paused, clamping her mouth shut, but that only proved to Maeve she was hiding something.
"Whut gots you all torn up inside?"
"Oh Maeve. There is something I've done and I am so terribly ashamed of it."
"Kins it be fixed?"
"I hope so.” She looked at Maeve's kind and understanding face. She knew she could trust her. "I was having an affair,” she blurted out, still not believing it herself. “I swear, I don't remember and I most definitely have no intentions of continuing it.”
“Honey chile, Miss Annabelle wuz havin’ an affair not you.”
“Please, Maeve. I must accept my past deeds and find a way to make up for them.”
She knew Maeve wanted to say more, but the woman pursed her lips together.
"This man wants to do Keldon harm," Arianna said hoping this would sway Maeve.
"You gots ter tell Keldon, then."
"I want to, but I'm afraid Keldon won't believe me. I'm afraid he'll only see my deceit and hate me forever this time. Don’t you see? I have to build his trust in me first. Then I’ll tell him.”
Maeve shook her head. “I don’t know.”
“This man won’t do anything on this venture,” Arianna rushed to tell her. “He told me he wanted Keldon to trust him so he could lead him into the trap without him suspecting anything.” Arianna hesitated when she realized how upset Maeve had become. She had a hunch it wasn’t only for Keldon's safety. She worried about someone else. Then it dawned on her who Maeve feared for and Arianna used the fact to her advantage. "Samuel is in danger, too. He'll hang along with the rest of them." Arianna then remained silent chewing on her lower lip, while she waited for Maeve to make her decision.
Finally, she nodded. "I will see whut I kin do."
The knock on the door made both of them jump. Maeve recovered first. "It be Mista Keldon and I'm not finish with your hair."
"That's all right.” Arianna took the brush from Maeve's hand.
Keldon had paced downstairs, for what se
emed like hours. He promised to remain there until Maeve told him Arianna was ready, but the wait became insufferable. He felt like a new groom waiting for his blushing bride to be prepared. He hadn’t been this nervous on their wedding night.
He was anxious to be with his wife. His wife. How wonderful those two words sounded to him. He entered the room. "I'm sorry to rush ye, but—" His eyes took in Arianna’s radiant beauty, blushed cheeks and timid smile. His mouth suddenly felt dry and he forgot what he was going to say.
Maeve walked over to him. "You be right on time. Come in.” Maeve made her exit, shutting the door behind her.
Arianna stood and waited.
Keldon could hear his own heart beating against his chest. He never remembered Annabelle... Arianna…being so beautiful. How strange. He now thought of his wife as Arianna. He approached her and slid his fingers through her long hair. The strands shimmered like moonbeams. "So soft," he whispered. He pulled her close and captured her lips to his. He felt her tremble in his arms and he leaned back to search her face. "Ye’re quiverin’."
She swallowed. "I can't help it."
He took a deep breath against the panic welling inside him. He had been worried that she would change her mind. Afraid she would think they’d made a mistake. He closed his eyes trying to will the disappointment from his mind. "Do ye want me to stop?”
"No, don’t!” Desperation rang in her words and his eyes snapped open. "No," she repeated again in ragged whisper. "Don't ever let me go.”
Keldon's heart pounded against his ribcage. She wanted him, as much as he wanted her. He lifted her easily into his arms and brought her to their bed.
She looked up at him with trusting eyes.
“Ye are so beautiful.” His hand moved over the thin fabric of her nightdress, lingering on the swell of her chest. He sensed she was nervous. He was, too. “Do ye want me to snuff out the candle?”
“Do you want to?”
He shook his head. “Nay, I want to see all of ye. It has been such a long time since ye have been in my bed.”