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Karen Michelle Nutt Page 10

  Arianna shook him and his eyes popped back open. "Wh..."

  "Where is he?” She repeated, desperate to have the information from him before he fell asleep.

  "He's... He's... Now where is he? Oh yeah... He's in the hole.” Bernard's eyes rolled back in his head and he fell forward into Arianna's lap.

  Horrified, she tried to lift him back up, but she knocked him to the floor. "Oh my God!” Now what was she going to do? She wouldn’t be able to pick him up, but she couldn’t leave him. Besides, he hadn’t signed the papers.

  The doors to the drawing room crashed opened. Arianna whirled around with a gasp. Keldon stood there his gaze pinning Arianna down with a shimmering wave of pulsing fury. “Have ye lost yer senses completely, Annabelle?"


  “Maeve told me.”

  “Traitor,” she mumbled.

  "Ye cannae do as ye please, Annabelle and think there are nay consequences. Where is Bernard?"

  Arianna glanced down at her feet.

  "Nay.” He shook his head. “Ye have done it already.” He rushed over and looked down at Bernard Prescott, slumbering at her feet. "What did ye plan on doin' with him?"

  "I wanted him to sign the papers so Thaddeus could come back home.” She pulled out a parchment she had folded up in her pocket. “Unfortunately, Bernard passed out cold before I had the chance."

  He grabbed the paper scanning the contents. His eyes narrowed and his jaw stiffened. How in the world did she think this would work? His gaze leveled on her. "Ye need to go home, now.” His voice was low, steady, but one wrong word from her and he’d throttle her.

  She put her hands on her hips and lifted her chin in defiance. “I refuse to leave without Thaddeus.”

  "What did ye say?"

  Arianna flinched. “I said I’m not leaving.”

  Keldon’s hand snaked out, but she sidestepped and he missed.

  "I don’t believe I stuttered," she answered as she ran behind the sofa. "I won’t leave without Thaddeus.”

  Keldon lunged to the left and she ran too, keeping her distance from him. When he caught her, she’d be sorry.

  "Listen, Keldon.” She made her way safely around the sofa once more. "Keldon, please, I must bring Thaddeus home.”

  She’d gone too far with this charade and he wouldn’t let it go on a moment longer.

  She ran around the sofa again, but this time he didn't. He jumped over it and tackled her to the floor. He landed on top of her, but she kicked and clawed until he grabbed both her hands and held them above her head. Her nostrils flared as she glared at him.

  "Now, ye will listen …" He felt her heart beating against him, felt every luscious curve as his body heated. He wanted to throttle her and kiss her at the same time. He refrained from both. "Ye will go home, now!"

  "Please, Keldon." she pleaded, her beautiful blue eyes pooled with tears. "Bernard put Thaddeus in the hole. I don't know what that is, but it can't be good. I can't leave him. I did this to him. Don't you see? I have to correct my mistake."

  Keldon stared at her without saying a word, mystified over her ever-changing personality. Her declaration confused him. "Why? Why him? What is it ye want with him?"

  "Want with him? Nothing. He has a son. A father should be with his child, don’t you agree?"

  "Sophie's wee bairn belongs to Thaddeus?” This was the first he’d heard of it.

  "Well yes. I thought you knew."

  Keldon released her and sat down next to her. Arianna scooted out of his reach.

  "Let me understand. Ye want to bring Thaddeus, a slave, back home to be with his wee bairn?"

  "Didn't I say as much?” Arianna’s chin tilted up. “I know what you’re thinking. I’ve changed. I have. Please let me prove it.”

  Keldon’s anger evaporated. Annabelle didn’t want the slaves to have families. She purposely separated them, sold them to whoever gave the highest bid.

  "Well? Will you help me?" she interrupted his thoughts.

  He stood and offered his hand to her, lifting her easily to her feet. His dark gaze raked over her, looking for any hint of deception.

  She didn’t shy away.

  "Aye, I'll help ye," he finally answered her.


  Samuel discovered from the other slaves, the hole was actually that. Bernard had a hole dug in the ground with a door bolted above, shutting out the light. He used this manmade prison for disobedient slaves. Thaddeus had been in the pit for two days now for not keeping his eyes averted, when Mrs. Prescott gave her orders.

  Keldon broke the lock and lifted the lid to the prison. Thaddeus stood and shaded his eyes against the flood of light that assailed him.

  "Are you all right?” Arianna leaned down to ask.

  Thaddeus nodded. Confusion etched his features and Arianna couldn’t blame him. She might not have put him in this hole, but her action brought him here.

  Keldon lowered the ladder. "Can ye climb, lad?"

  Thaddeus’ gaze shifted to Keldon. "Yas'm."

  "Then be quick about it," he ordered.

  Thaddeus hesitated. "Iz dis here a trick?”

  Samuel stepped forward. "You be given freedom boy and you are still wonderin' ef you shud take it. Gets yourself up here now, before I decides ter shut de door again."

  Immediately Thaddeus obeyed and climbed up the ladder.

  Arianna gasped.

  Thaddeus turned and looked at her with his one good eye, the other swollen half shut. He licked his parched lips. The way his clothes hung on him, he hadn’t had a decent meal in a long time. "What did he do to you?” She lifted her hand to touch his face, but he flinched. She didn’t miss the loathing in his gaze before he lowered his lids. She knew she couldn't blame him. She sent him here to be beaten and starved. She sold him as if he was nothing, like his feelings didn’t matter. She took him away from the woman he loved, ensuring he’d never know what happened to her or their child. No wonder his gaze betrayed his hatred.

  Arianna looked away, but not before Keldon noticed her chin trembled as she inhaled. He almost felt sorry for her, but he pushed those thoughts away. They didn't have time to waste. Thaddeus needed to be off the Prescott's land before Bernard woke up.

  "Samuel, I’m relying on ye to bring them back safely to Blue Run."

  Samuel nodded understanding the hurry.

  Keldon started in the opposite direction, but Arianna grabbed hold of his arm. "Aren't you coming with us?"

  "Nay. I must insure Bernard willnae be pressin’ charges against ye. If ye forgot, a slave is property and the offense for stealin’ one is most severe.” He shrugged free and headed for the main house.


  On the way back to the Blue Run, Thaddeus leaned against the seat, pretending to be asleep. He didn’t fool Arianna.

  "You have a son," she said softly.

  Thaddeus’ dark eyes flew open, wary and untrusting. "I has no chile."

  "Sophie says differently," Arianna insisted.

  Thaddeus leaned back, closing his eyes again. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed hard.

  Arianna knew Thaddeus wouldn’t ask about Sophie and the baby. He feared she’d do something to them. Pain squeezed at her heart. She’d atone for her sins even if it were the last thing she did.

  Once they arrived back a Blue Run, Arianna stepped out of the carriage first and faced Samuel. “Bring Thaddeus to the kitchen, please,” Arianna insisted. She wanted to make sure he had his cuts cleaned thoroughly and had a good meal before he returned to his quarters.

  Samuel didn’t argue.

  As soon as they entered the dining room, Oni ran over to Thaddeus and threw her large arms around him squeezing him so tight she nearly knocked the wind out of him.

  She released him then and really looked at him. "Lordy, you look a sight, but you’s really here."

  "Oni, let the man sit down," Arianna said as she went over to see what was cooking in the large black pot. "Will you make sure he’s cle
aned up and given a hot meal?"

  "Yas'm, Miss Arianna. Right away."

  Arianna glanced at Thaddeus. He wouldn’t meet her gaze. She would have liked to stay, but she knew Thaddeus wouldn’t relax if she hovered. She left him alone with Oni, knowing the woman would take good care of him.

  "Wut's dis? You called her Miss Arianna?” Thaddeus wearily took a seat as soon as Oni and he were alone.

  "Dat’s wut we call her now, since Miss Annabelle went back ter de devil."

  "Wut are you’s talkin’ about?"

  Oni handed Thaddeus a wet cloth to clean himself. “Now don’t be worrin’ yourself none.” She dished out a large portion of stew and placed it before him.

  His mouth watered. He hadn't eaten anything for two days and any meal at the Prescotts’ wasn’t worth mentioning. Not even the dogs would eat what they served their slaves. Thaddeus stared at the healthy portions of meat and vegetables. He wanted nothing more than to take a large spoonful, but he had to think of Oni. "I kin’t eat dis. You will gets in trouble."

  "No, it be okay. Miss Arianna insists we eat gud. She’s redone de menu, insistin’ meats and vegetables be added. I even had me some fruit jest de other day. It near makes my mouth water jest thinkin’ about it."

  Thaddeus shook his head, still hesitant, but Oni placed her hands on her large hips and waited for him to take a bite. After the first one, he couldn’t help himself. He wondered if Sophie… How could he have forgotten to ask about her? "Oni, tells me de truth. Sophie be all right?"

  "Lordy. How could I be so slow? Sophie and de chile be fine.”

  Thaddeus sighed with relief, but quickly frowned again. If Sophie was all right, why wasn't she in the kitchen working? Thaddeus flew to his feet. "Where iz she?" he demanded to know.

  "Wut’s wrong with you?" Oni frowned at him.

  "She ain't workin' with you. So where iz she?"

  "Misses Arianna insisted dat she take some time with de baby. She’s not ter works for a few weeks."

  Thaddeus sat back down with a thud. "Miss Annabelle said dis."

  "No, No. Miss Arianna says. Ain't you been listenin', boy? Miss Annabelle be gone."

  This was so unbelievable for Thaddeus. He was sure he must have died in that hole. Slaves having meals fit for their masters, Sophie being able to rest for a couple of weeks to take time with the baby, these things didn’t happen.

  "I have some clean clothes for you.” Arianna had entered and walked over to Thaddeus. "Maeve is sure they’ll fit.” She placed the folded garments on the table. "You might want to clean up a bit before you see Sophie. Should we draw you a bath?”

  Thaddeus’ jaw dropped. She’d let him see Sophie. Didn't Miss Annabelle send him away because he’d been with Sophie in the first place? He looked at Oni. Maybe her story had some credibility.

  "Miss Arianna," he said the name just to see if she would answer.

  "Yes, Thaddeus."

  Maybe she was a different person as Oni claimed. "Thank you.”

  Arianna smiled with a nod. "You’re welcome."


  When Keldon had made it back to the Prescotts’ house, Bernard was still snoring away peacefully. He carefully lifted him back onto the sofa and propped him up. He then took a seat in the chair and patiently waited for the man to wake up.

  He didn't wait long. The disoriented Bernard moaned as he rubbed his head. He looked at Keldon and blinked. “Keldon?”

  "As I was sayin’ we will call it even," Keldon began as though he had been carrying on a conversation with Bernard.

  Bernard scratched his head. "You'll have to excuse me, Keldon, I must have dozed off. What were we discussing?"

  "The signin’ of the papers. Bernard, what is wrong with ye? We agreed ye’d give me Thaddeus."

  "Why on earth would I give you a slave?” Bernard sat up.

  "Weel have it yer way, then.” Keldon stood, his full height towering over Bernard. "I guess ye leave me no choice. Name yer second."

  Bernard hands trembled. “Name my second? Are you calling me out? What in the world is going on? What have I done to offend you?"

  "Please, doonae insult me further. Ye know what ye've done and I willnae be standin' for it."

  Bernard licked his parched lips. “I’ve obviously insulted you in some way, but as God as my witness, I don’t know what it is I’ve done. When did you arrive?” He frowned as he ticked off the events. “Your wife was here. We had drinks and… and… then the next thing I know, you’ve called me out. I’d say something doesn’t sit well here.” He sat up and winced.

  Keldon glared at him, hoping to intimidate Bernard without bloodshed involved. He could save Annabelle with an excuse she wasn’t well since her head injury, but Thaddeus would be at the Prescotts’ mercy. Bernard would take out his rage on the slave. The hole was proof enough. “Weel?”

  "Where's the paper you want me to sign?" Bernard chuckled nervously. “If we can call it even, giving up one troublesome slave is fine by me.”


  The sun had set hours ago without Keldon’s return from the Prescotts. Arianna wanted to go back for him, but Samuel insisted they wait at Blue Run.

  While she abided her time, she thought about her relationship with Keldon or rather the lack of one. She understood why he didn’t like her before the accident, but she’d changed. She wanted him to trust her. If only she knew what exactly had gone wrong with their relationship in the first place.

  Their marriage had been arranged. Maybe Keldon wasn’t attracted to her. As she thought of this, she knew it wasn’t the case. His kiss, the way his sexy mouth brushed over hers, sending an explosion of pleasure through her veins. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. Could she have imagined the passion? She’d been a little tipsy at the time and he did run from the room. Not exactly the behavior of a healthy virile man.

  Could he be involved with someone else? She couldn’t dismiss the thought. She was having an affair. Maybe Keldon was, too. However, every time Keldon left the house, he was with Leighton or Samuel. Maybe he didn’t like women at all. “No, it can’t be the case, could it?”

  Whatever the truth may be, she had to know.

  Keldon’s emotions rioted inside of him and he couldn’t face Arianna tonight. He couldn’t face the emotional trap she’d laid out for him. A week ago, he detested her and could care less what happened to her. Now he didn’t recognize this compassionate woman who respected him and others.

  He’d be lying to himself if he denied there wasn’t an attraction between them, but the draw still baffled him. How many times in the past had Annabelle told him she loathed his existence? A bump on the head couldn’t change her desires and yet when he kissed her, she responded, clinging to him as if he were her lifeline. By an act of God, she somehow became everything he wanted in a woman and it scared the hell out of him. He didn’t want to reopen all the old wounds leaving him vulnerable. If she regained her memory back, he wouldn’t survive her rejection this time around.

  The divorce papers would arrive soon and he could leave this place and Annabelle’s tempting ways. All he had to do is keep the wall he formed around his heart from crumbling away.

  He let himself inside the house. Maeve had extinguished the candles for the night. He wouldn’t be disturbed. He walked into the study. He needed a drink and just maybe if he drank enough, he would no longer see his wife’s beautiful face in his mind. He must remember how she treated him in the past, so not to fall prey to her charms again.

  He took the first swallow of the strong potent liquor, welcoming the burn.

  Arianna heard the front door open and shut and knew Keldon had arrived home. She jumped out of bed and ventured downstairs determined to confront him. He’d come clean tonight and tell her if they could salvage their relationship.

  The house was drenched in darkness, but she knew Keldon hadn’t gone to bed. She knew she’d find him in his study. She walked in. The moonlight streamed through the open window allowing s
ome light. He lounged on the high back chair, his long legs stretched out before him. He nursed a dram of whiskey, but he held the decanter in his other hand.

  She sensed he stared at her with those intensely cat-like green eyes of his, but his face remained in the shadows and she couldn’t read his expression.

  "We need to talk," she announced before she lost her courage.

  "Talk?" he replied, his laugh raking her. "That is a new one. I doonae think we ever talked.” He lifted his glass to his lips.

  Arianna sighed. He wouldn’t make this easy, but she refused to give up.

  "Well, I would like to now."

  "And what is it ye would like to talk aboot?” He twirled the liquid in his glass before downing it.

  "Us.” Arianna waited for him to laugh at her again, but silence met her ears. She wasn’t sure if this was a good sign or not. She couldn’t stop now. They must hash out whatever was wrong with their marriage and find out if they could have a future. "So, are you…you know… Do you like… Oh, I’ll just say it. Are you gay?"

  "Gay? Ye want to know if I’m happy.”

  She heard the confusion in his voice, making her wonder if she used another foreign word. It wasn't bad enough she’d lost her memory, but she’d also lost the means of communication.

  "Do you prefer men to women?" she clarified.

  This time Keldon did laugh. "Is that what ye think?” He found her observation of him comical, since she couldn’t have been farther from the truth. “Let me assure ye, the feel of a warm and willin’ woman is what I most prefer.” He heard her take a breath. He wondered if she sighed in relief or disappointment. Could he dare think she might finally want to be with him?

  He mentally reprimanded himself. Annabelle made her feelings known to him a long time ago. However, curiosity had him wondering where this conversation was heading. Since her accident, she baffled him with her caring motives and now she questioned his sexual preferences. He had married a woman who despised him. She’d been predictable with her vicious acts and lashing tongue. He knew what to expect from her and could react accordingly, but now he wasn’t so sure.